Fonden Human Practice Foundation
Brolæggerstræde 2,
1211 København K, Danmark
Phone: +45 93 93 27 74

Human Practice Foundation
Human Practice Foundation was established in 2014 by Founder Pernille Kruse Madsen. Human Practice Foundation has since become a global organization with registered Foundations in Denmark (2014), Zürich (2018), UK (2019) and Sweden (2021).
Human Practice Foundation builds and restructures schools in parts of the world where it’s needed the most. We believe that schools create lives. That’s why we create schools. Schools are the most effective way to bring about positive change. All over the world, schools make up the most fundamental part of our communities. All children deserve to be part of a school with quality education that enables them to build a life of their own – a life where they have the power to shape their own future.
DK Board
DK Fundraising Chapter
Pro Bono Supporters
Donor Update Policy
Without donors, there would be no Human Practice Foundation and no projects in Nepal and Kenya impacting more than 36,000 students. Therefore, we value the relationship to our donors a lot. We always update the donors on our projects, while implementing, so they can follow the progress closely. Once the project is completed, we will send a detailed final report.
After completion, we will regularly share stories and impact results from the school and/or communities. Additionally, we offer donors the opportunity to travel to Kenya and Nepal to visit the school they have supported and participate in the local opening ceremony.