Human Practice Foundation receive the highest number of donations from private philanthropists and foundations. Please find a breakdown of Human Practice Foundation’s donations by source in 2019 and 2020.
Human Practice Foundations biggest donors are: The Kavli Trust, which has funded projects with USD 1,6m, Lotus Life Foundation, which has funded projects for USD 900.000 Gudbjørg og Ejnar Honores Fond, which has funded projects for USD 700,000, Lars Förberg, who has funded projects for USD 650,000, Goldman Sachs Gives, which has funded USD 360.000, World Diabetes Foundation, which has funded projects for USD 350.000, Jochnick Foundation, which has funded projects for USD 300.000 and Rambøll Fonden, which has funded projects for USD 170.000. A few other current major Human Practice Foundation donors include Gorrisen Fiederspiel and Famsa Foundation.