The sustainability of our projects is key for Human Practice Foundation, and we always work hard to ensure that our projects will stay sustainable after completion.

We believe that through local ownership and contribution, we can empower local communities to become advocates for education, keeping the quality of education to the highest standard at the schools after we exit. That is why our partnership with governments to take co-ownership of our projects and programmes through our INGO registration in both Nepal and Kenya are so important.

We work closely with the local authorities and municipalities to ensure that the necessary funds are prioritized and allocated for sustaining the change created by our programmes. We work with the school management as an implementing partner, sign individual MoU’s with each school and develop maintenance manuals for all schools. The school management at Human Practice schools are held responsible for implementing maintenance work and coordinating their needs with the local municipalities, who have allocated funds for maintaining the school buildings and facilities installed by Human Practice Foundation.  The mutual responsibilities created between the school management and local authorities ensures that the schools maintain the new standards and “best practices” that we create. After projects are completed, we continue to monitor the school, ensuring that the necessary maintenance and cleaning work is conducted according to plan.

We further build up the capacity and academic skill level of the local school management and teachers that can be continued and passed on for years after the completion of any of our programmes. Our training of teachers is structured as a “Training of Trainer’s model” where focal teachers are trained to be become a permanent resource for our schools, to be able to replicate trainings. These focal teachers are mobilized across districts to become a part of a knowledge sharing network. Likewise, material is developed for each learning outcome that we want to achieve. Thereafter, the materiel is codified and shared with all our schools.

We also believe that the support of students’ parents is essential to ensure the sustainability of our quality education programmes. Therefore, we implement income generating programmes to support students’ parents in their ability to sustain a household income freeing their children’s time from household chores to focus on their education.