
Country Programme Kenya

The economic growth that Kenya has experienced in recent years has not benefited a large part of the population, and the inequality is immense.

The rural areas are still experiencing serious poverty, and 36% of the population live in absolute poverty. As a result, many children in rural areas are missing out on quality education and have little hope of getting jobs in the future.

Human Practice Foundation is working in the rural areas of Kenya in the Mount Kenya and Maasai Mara regions with rebuilding the school infrastructure and training the teachers. We are focused on educating the teachers by initiating our Teachers Training in both the academic and pedagogical aspect. Our goal is to encourage a more modernized and child friendly way of teaching in order to provide the best possible education for the students enrolled at the schools.
Additionally, we wish to train the students by conducting workshops where the main focus will be on creating a good educational environment where students are taught how they are also responsible for their own development as students.

We are working with strong local partners. Their local knowledge combined with our expertise in the educational sector and implementing projects forge a strong platform for creating impactful and sustainable changes in the local areas.

Stories from Kenya

Maritati Primary

In 2017, when we began constructions at Maritati Primary School in Kenya, the classrooms were dark and the lack of facilities created a terrible learning environment for the 428 students.

The children longed for facilities that could allow them to concentrate, as their surroundings were falling apart, which made it difficult to pay attention and get proper teaching.

Micro-farming Programme

Our micro-farming program in Meru County in Kenya was initiated in 2021 to ensure local parents of school children could get a sustainable source of income. More than 200 farmers are already enrolled.

Our goal is to train farmers in sustainable agriculture methods to increase yields and enable families to prioritize the children’s education and future.

School Feeding Programme

Our emergency School Feeding Programme is our response to the devastating drought in Kenya.

Our partner schools have been noticing increased dropouts among students due to extreme hunger and kids are fainting in the classrooms. Many parents whose livelihood depends on agriculture also decide to take their kids out of school to move somewhere else.

Kenya Office

Wondim Belachew
Wondim BelachewCountry Director
Anastacia Kimemia
Anastacia KimemiaAdministration & Finance Manager
Abigail Gikang'a
Abigail Gikang'a Education Officer
Patrick Muriuki
Patrick MuriukiVillage Based Business Mentor
Brenda Gatwiri
Brenda GatwiriVillage Based Business Mentor
Patricia Muigai
Patricia MuigaiCountry Manager
Harun Opwora
Harun OpworaProject Engineer
Caroline Musila
Caroline MusilaM&E Officer
Jack Silange
Jack Silange Village Based Business Mentor
Phyllis Kiende
Phyllis KiendeAgriculture Project Manager
Emmanuel Karani
Emmanuel KaraniProject Engineer
Shamim Chepchumba
Shamim ChepchumbaAdministration and Finance Assistant
Wilson Kariuki
Wilson Kariuki Village Based Business Mentor
Benjamin Mugo
Benjamin MugoCommunications Coordinator
Hillary Atindah
Hillary AtindahDigital Literacy Officer
Patrick Kathurima
Patrick KathurimaDigital Literacy Officer
Nelson Miayani
Nelson MiayaniVillage Based Business Mentor
Simon Kinyanjui
Simon KinyanjuiEducation Coordinator
Dick Midamba
Dick MidambaEnterprise Development Officer
Catherine Murangiri
Catherine MurangiriVillage Based Business Mentor

Board Members

Faith Riunga
Faith RiungaBoard Chairperson
Henning Jakobsen
Henning JakobsenDirector
George Njenga
George NjengaDirector
Pernille Kruse Madsen
Pernille Kruse MadsenPermanent Member and Director
Eric Reson
Eric ResonDirector
Patriciah Muigai
Patriciah MuigaiDirector
Winnie Gathoni
Winnie GathoniDirector