
Brolæggerstræde 2,
1211 København K, Danmark
Phone: +45 93 93 27 74

Inner Strength Program

Danish children are doing well academically compared to many similar countries, but unfortunately there is a sharp increase in mental dissatisfaction among children and adolescents which is extremely worrying. Many teenagers report that they are distressed and lonely and that they struggle with low self-esteem, leading them to feel socially excluded in school.

Human Practice Foundation has established Project Inner Strength with the aim of strengthening the self-esteem and confidence of students at Danish secondary schools, supporting them in having healthy relationships and thriving.

Every day they are met by high expectations and influenced by outside resources which they are not able to navigate based on their own inner compass. Inner Strength was launched with the aim of strengthening the emotional and social competencies of young students. We believe that every child possesses the inner strength to accept and believe in themselves.

With the purpose of strengthening the students’ self-esteem, empathy, and concentration, Project Inner Strength trains the ability to believe in yourself, as well as strengthening attentiveness, empathy, and the skill of participating in healthy relationships with others.

We want to create a best-in-class method for how Danish schools can help the students who are not thriving and create schools that allow all children to flourish.


Read about the impact of our program and results from SDU (Southern Danish University) here

DK Office

Pernille Kruse Madsen
Pernille Kruse MadsenFounder and CEO
Tine Bruntse Werner
Tine Bruntse WernerCFO
Simon Gessø
Simon GessøHead of Educational Projects
Lene Wang Kristensen
Lene Wang KristensenHead of Programme
Maja Buchhave Breiter
Maja Buchhave BreiterProject & Stakeholder Manager
Lene Gundersen
Lene GundersenProject Manager
William Tange Pfeiffer
William Tange PfeifferStudent Assistant

Inner Strength Advisory Board

Majbritt Skov
Majbritt SkovPartner and chief economist, evaluator in Deloitte
Rasmus Edelberg
Rasmus EdelbergHead of the Danish Association of School Boards and Parents (Skole & Forældre)
Helle Jensen
Helle JensenPsychologist and Family Therapist
Marie Holt Hermansen
Marie Holt HermansenHead of Danish Association of School Students (Danske Skoleelever)
Pernille Bruun Madsen
Pernille Bruun MadsenModstrøm, Danish Association for School Students (FGU)
Anders Durhuus Ramsing
Anders Durhuus RamsingSchool Principal in Roskilde
Martijn Van Beek
Martijn Van BeekAnthropology Aarhus University