Golf event raised DKK 1M

In May, Human Practice Foundation and our founding partners Jan Dal Lehrmann, Jeppe Brøndum and Mads Kornerup invited 72 golf players to an exclusive fundraising event at the beautiful The Scandinavian in Farum, Denmark. It was a sunny day with lots of friendly competition followed by an exciting charity auction where the golf players placed generous bids on many kindly sponsored items.

We are immensely thankful for The Scandinavian’s hospitality, the great support from the organizing team, the many sponsors and not least the participants who made it a very successful day.

All this great support made it possible for us to raise a huge donation of almost DKK 1M to two specific school projects in the Taplejung District in the eastern part of Nepal and in the Mount Meru County in Kenya: Chaksibote Secondary School & Gakando Primary School. This great donation will make it possible for us to improve the lives of hundreds of children and create better opportunities for them, their families and the local community surrounding the schools in Nepal and Kenya.

We hope to be back at The Scandinavian soon for similar events in the future!